This is the fountain from the famous movie, The Matrix. We realized what it was and had to take a picture!
I spent the last week or so in Australia just hanging out with the friends I made and spending as much time as possible in the city.
We went to the largest IMAX theatre in the world to see Transformers II.
We got there two and a half hours early to wait in line. This is Kristen holding our spot!
We were actually the only people in line for the first hour and a half.
The black wall in the background of this picture is only part of the screen. It was so big that some people felt sick during the movie. I had to turn my head from left to right to see the whole screen, it was awesome!


It was just like lazer-tag in the states. Our team did pretty well!

We also played some arcade games.

A bunch of nights everyone brought all of the food in their houses and made these huge, conglomerate meals. Since we were trying to get rid of the food we had accumulated over the past months, we had a little bit of everything.
This is William making some Indonesian sitr-fry.
One night, after the big meal, we hosted our own Olympics. This is the three-legged race.
Another night we all decided to go into the city and play some lazer-tag!
It was just like lazer-tag in the states. Our team did pretty well!
We also played some arcade games.
This night we all decided to go into the city and watch the Wallabies rugby game.
This is really random, but I thought I should include a picture of my friend Brittany. We were the only two Americans in my extremely hard Physics class so we ended up working together a lot. She was great!
I also realized that I hadn't posted any pictures from where I lived while I was there. This was my house, #55.

This is the living room and back screen door.

This is our kitchen where we cooked every meal.
..and our dining room where we sat around and ate.
This is the living room and back screen door.
And where I spent a lot of my time, my room! I tried to make it look nice even though I only had what I packed in my suitcase. I ended up buying a bunch of poster-boards and taping pictures that I had brought with me up to decorate.
This is my desk.
And, most importantly, this is all of the mail I received while I was over there. I posted it all up on a bulletin board and I looked at it every day! Getting mail was one of the many highlights I had while over there. Thank you so much for sending it!
This is my closet.
.. and finally my bathroom.
Last but definitely not least I decided to sum up my trip with a picture of my housemates who I spent the majority of my time with. From left to right is Erika and Kristen (from New York), Phillip from Germany, Tillie from Colorado, and me! I had a blast living with these people and will never forget them.
The End =D